Power Automate Length Function Explained

Power Automate Length Function

The Power Automate Length function helps you to check the length of a string or to check the length of an array.

In this article, I’ll introduce you to the length function and will provide a step-by-step guide on how to use the function in a Microsoft flow.

Power Automate Length Function

The Power Automate length function returns the length of a string (number of characters) or the length of an array (number of elements for an array).



Input parameters

  • collection (mandatory):

Return value

  • An Integer that represents the number of characters in a string for a given string or the number of elements for an array.

Power Automate Length Expression Examples

Here are some examples on how to use length expression in Power Automate.

Power Automate expression length of string

=> 3

Power Automate expression length of array

length(createArray('a', 'b', 'c'))
=> 3

How To Use The Length Function In Power Automate

Let’s take a look on how to get the length of a string and how to get the length of an array in Power Automate in Microsoft flow.

  1. Create a new flow

    Power Automate Length Function New Flow

    Create a new flow

  2. Create a string variable

    Power Automate Length Function Create a string variable

    New string variable

  3. Compose a Power Automate length expression ‘length(variables(‘myString’))’

    Power Automate Length

    Power Automate length string expression

  4. Create an array variable

    Power Automate Lemgth Function create array variable

    New array variable

  5. Compose a Power Automate length expression ‘length(variables(‘myArray’))’

    Power Automate Length expression array

    Power Automate length array expression

  6. Do a test run and check the result for the string

    Power Automate Length Function String Test Run

    Length of Luke is 4 (4 characters)

  7. Check the result for the array

    Power Automate Length Function Array Test Run

    Length of array is 6 (6 items)

More Examples

Get the length of an integer

The Power Automate length function does not work with numbers. To get the length of a number, you need to convert it to a string. Use the string function to do the conversion and use length on the resulting string.

=> 4

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