The Power Automate Mul function lets you mutlipy two numbers to calculate the sum.
In this article, I’ll introduce you to the mul function and will provide a step-by-step guide on how to use the function in a Microsoft flow.
Power Automate Mul Function

Returns the result of multiplying two numbers together.
mul(<multiplicand1>, <multiplicand2>)
Input parameters
- multiplicand1 (mandatory): The number that will be multiplied by multiplicand2.
- multiplicand2 (mandatory): The number that will multiply multiplicand1.
Return value
- Returns the result of the first number multiplied by the second number.
Power Automate Mul Expressions Example
=> 3
// float example
=> 15.040000000000001
// with variable
mul(variables(‘myNumber’), 3)
How To Use The Power Automate Mul Function
Follow the steps to use the Power Automate Mul function in a flow.
Create a new flow with trigger ‘Manually trigger a flow’
New flow
Add a new step by clicking on ‘+ New step’
Add a new step
Search for ‘initialize’ and click on ‘Initialize variable’
Add Initialize variable action
Setup Initialize variable: 1) Provide a name, 2) select type Integer, 3) Set value to ‘4’
Setup variable
Add a compose step by searching for ‘compose’ and clicking on ‘Compose’
Add Compose action
Setup compose action: 1) click into Inputs (popup appears), 2) click on ‘Expressions’, 3) set expression to ‘mul(variables(‘myNumber’), 3)’ 4) click on ‘OK’
Setup mul expression in Power Automate
Save and do a test run
Result test run – Power Automate Mul function example